By | Yleinen

AIKAMIES/ TIMEMAN Finland, 102 min, sci-fi Sun, Aug. 20 at 11.40, Iso-Hannu 2
An ordinary day of a night club bouncer comes to a halt when he runs into a familiar customer – whom he
hasn’t met before. The encounter drives both his heart and mind at stake – when the forbidden time travel
game becomes a reality.

HYVÄVELI Finland, 110 min, drama Fri, Aug. 18 at 18.15, Iso-Hannu 1
Patrolman Loyan tries to find his place in the new police department while keeping his friend Warsame,
newly released from prison, on the right track. Loyan’s ambition is to get into detective training, but his
supervisor thinks he’d be better off patrolling the familiar neighbourhoods with his partner Johanna…

HÄÄT ENNEN HAUTAJAISIA Finland, 95 min, drama, comedy Fri, Aug. 18 at 19.50, Iso-Hannu 2
Wedding planner Joanna needs to find a fake boyfriend to cheer up her depressed father. She meets an
eccentric undertaker who is looking for a girlfriend, but earth-shattering news causes trouble.

JÄRJETTÖMÄN PASKA IDEA/ THE WORST IDEA EVER Finland, 107 min, drama, comedy
Sat, Aug. 19 at 11.50, Iso-Hannu 1
The friendship of two game designers begins to fall apart as one longs to return to their nostalgic youth,
while the other is eager to marry and move on.

KIKKA! Finland, 116 min, drama Sat, Aug. 19 at 14.00, Iso-Hannu 1
Story of the artist Kikka, who grew from an unknown suburban girl to one of Finland’s best-known pop
stars in the 90’s and the collapse of her career in the mix of publicity pressures, substance abuse problems
and the ever changing music world.

KUPLA/ BUBBLE Finland, 103 min, drama, comedy Sat, Aug. 19 at 17.40, Iso-Hannu 2
A feature film about Evelina, a 16-year-old small town girl, whose world collapses when she finds out her
mother is having an affair with a woman. Evelina tries to stop her mother’s affair at all cost to get her
parents to fall in love again with dramatic and comedic consequences.

Sat, Aug. 19 at 20.40, Iso-Hannu 1
Debt collectors come to get their drug money and Marko is given 24 hours to pay his debt.
A drug-fuelled race against the clock starts. A manic pace, fear of the lurking killers and paranoia lead
eventually to a traffic accident. Marko is on the verge of giving up.

METSURIN TARINA/ THE WOODCUTTER STORY Finland, 99 min, drama, comedy
Sat, Aug. 19 at 16.30, Iso-Hannu 1
Pepe is a woodcutter in an idyllic small town in Finland. In the span of a couple of days, a series of tragic
events gradually destroy his quiet and happy life – but Pepe seems to be fine with it all. As if he held a
secret to existence that is hard to grasp.

RAKKAANI MERIKAPTEENI/ MY SAILOR, MY LOVE (language: English) Finland, 103 min, drama
Fri, Aug. 18 at 16.00, Iso-Hannu 1
A retired sea captain and his daughter must reassess their strained relationship after he begins a new
romance with a widowed housekeeper.

SIENIRETKI/ THE MUSHROOM TRIP Finland, 95 min, drama, comedy
Sat, Aug. 19 at 15.30, Iso-Hannu 2
PJ and Jami rent a cabin in the beautiful archipelago, not only for them to relax and reload but to try
something new — blow their minds with magic mushrooms.
SISU (language: English) Finland, 91 min, action Fri, Aug. 18 at 20.30, Iso-Hannu 1
A one-man death squad will go to outrageous lengths to get his gold back – even if it means killing every
last Nazi in his path. Jalmari Helander’s gleefully entertaining actioner delivers gory mayhem by the

VEDEN VARTIJA/ MEMORY OF WATER Finland, 101 min, drama, dystopia
Sat, Aug. 19 at 19.45, Iso-Hannu 2
In the waterless world of the future, Noria, the idealist young Tea Master, finds a secret source of water.
In order to reveal the secret, she must convince her cynical friend to join her on a dangerous journey, even
though in the hands of deceitful military figure the secret may become their destiny.

ILVESKUISKAAJA/ LYNX MAN Finland, 80 min, documentary
Sun, Aug. 20 at 14.00, Iso-Hannu 1
A long-bearded Finnish hermit sweats out demons in his sauna, when he isn’t crawling around the forest
floor at night with hidden cameras to document the shy and endangered lynx. Can Hannu save the
Eurasian lynx, or is it in fact nature who ultimately saves the man?

MITEN KORJATA MAAILMA/ HOW TO FIX THE WORLD Finland, 76 min, documentary
Sat, Aug. 19 at 11.20, Iso-Hannu 2
A handbook of direct action where squatters, opponents of globalization and anarchists tell their stories.
The world was fixed in the 1990s and 2000s, sometimes more succeeding and sometimes not so much.
By using a lot of archive material, the film connects earlier generations of activists to today’s climate
movements. Direct action will be important in the future too. If there will be one.

MONICA IN THE SOUTH SEAS Finland, 72 min, documentary
Sun, Aug. 20 at 10.10, Iso-Hannu 2
When a daughter of a famous American film director returns to her childhood paradise in Samoa and
attempts to create a perfect sound version of the silent film made by his father 50 years earlier, she finds
herself tangling between complex cultural practices, haphazard field work and childhood memories.

Finland, 80 min, documentary Sat, Aug. 19 at 09.45, Iso-Hannu 2
This documentary summarises the life journey of Finnish composer Kaija Saariaho, who passed away this
June. During her career Saariaho received numerous int’l awards and recognitios and her music is played
widely around the world in concert halls and opera stages charming audiences from New York to Tokyo.

A E I O U – A QUICK ALPHABET OF LOVE Germany, Austria, 105 min, drama, comedy
Sat, Aug. 19 at 21.50, Iso-Hannu 2
Love story of a speaking skills teacher and her student.

THE FIGHT FOR GREENLAND Denmark, Greenland, Norway, 96 min, documentary
Fri, Aug. 18 at 18.00, Iso-Hannu 2
After nearly 300 years as a Danish province, many Greenlanders feel the time has come for independence.
But how? Four activists tell their own ideas of how to shape Greenland’s future.

LAMM/ LAMB Iceland, 106 min, drama, horror
Sat, Aug. 19 at 18.00, Iso-Hannu 3
A childless couple discovers a mysterious newborn on their farm in Iceland.

TRIANGLE OF SADNESS Sweden, 148 min, drama, satire
Fri, Aug. 18 at 21.45, Iso-Hannu 2
A fashion model celebrity couple join an eventful cruise for the super-rich.

Kolmekymppinen – takana on luja putki leffavuosien

By | Yleinen


30. Blue Sea Film Festival tarjoaa jälleen laatuelokuvia ja kokoaa Raumalle elokuva-alan kirkkaimmat tähdet 17.-20. elokuuta 2023. Bluukkareiden historia on koottu niin kirjan kuin näyttelyn muotoon.


30-vuotisen historian havina on esillä Sepän talolla juhlanäyttelyssä, jonka avajaisia vietetään keskiviikkona 16.8. kello 18.00. Jokainen on tervetullut avajaisiin.

Näyttely on avoinna festivaalien ajan torstaista sunnuntaihin kello 14-18.

Kun Blue Sea Film Festival 30 vuotta sitten tuli osaksi suomalaista elokuvakenttää, mahtoiko kukaan ajatella, että siitä tulisi yksi suomalaisen elokuvakentän kestomenestyjistä, joka vuosi toisensa jälkeen houkuttelee kävijöitä Raumalle niin elokuvataivaan tähdistä aina festivaalikävijöihin.

Mari Rantasila totesi muutama vuosi sitten osuvasti: “Suomen sympaattisin ja lämminhenkisin elokuvafestivaali puolustaa tärkeää paikkaansa suurempien festivaalien rinnalla. Rauman elokuvafestivaali on tekijälle aina ammatillisesti voimaannuttava ja sydäntä lämmittävä kokemus.”

— Rantasilan lausumiset pitävät yhä paikkansa ja yritämme ne vuosi toisensa jälkeen aina lunastaa. Hienointa tietysti on, että olemme siihen pystyneet, joista iso kiitos tekijöille, talkooväelle ja ennen kaikkea kävijöille. Festivaalin tekevät aina ihmiset, kertoo Rauman elokuvakerho ry:n puheenjohtaja Merja Valkoja.

Juhlanäyttelyssä on esillä kaikkien vuosien käsiohjelmat ja julisteet sekä valokuvia vuosien varrelta. Lisäksi tuotantoryhmä on koonnut festivaalireliikkejä, joita pääsee myös katsomaan, joten on mahdollista kurkistaa elokuvafestivaalin kulisseihin.


The 30th Blue Sea Film Festival will once again offer quality films and gather the brightest stars of the film industry in Rauma from 17-20 August 2023.

By | Yleinen

The 30th Blue Sea Film Festival will once again offer quality films and gather the brightest stars of the film industry in Rauma from 17-20 August 2023.The programme includes films from the theme country Germany, films from every Nordic country, Finnish new releases with guests, Baltic Herring feature films, 16mm and 35mm screenings, a silent screening by the Rauma Jazz Film Orchestra, discussion sessions and a wide range of evening events.When the Blue Sea Film Festival became part of the Finnish film scene 30 years ago, could anyone have imagined that it would become one of the long-running success stories of the Finnish film scene, attracting visitors from the stars of the film scene to festival-goers year after year.The 30th anniversary screening of Erkki Karu’s silent comedy Nummisuutarit (1923) will be accompanied by the renowned Rauma Jazz Film Orchestra.The programme includes 15 domestic feature films, five documentaries and two children’s films. The programme includes Helander’s Sisu, Härön’s My beloved sea captain, Saarela’s Guardian of the Water, Tola’s Järjettömän paska idea, Valkeapää’s Hetki lyö, Laitinen’s Hyvä veli, Salmenperän’s Kupla, Paavilainen’s Kikka!, Anna Eriksson’s W and others.The documents include Mika Kaurismäki’s Hassinen kone 40 years later and Hassinen kone: Ratina’s concert.For children: Taavi Vartia’s Pertsa and Kilu – Pharaoh’s Ring and Maria Sid’s Risto Räppääjä and the Wild Machine.Aki Kaurismäki’s Ariel turns 35 this year and the film will be shown as a 35 mm film print in an outdoor screening.